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We think so! Comparing prices in the attractions, tours and activities industry is quite complex due to pricing fluctuation that depend on availiability,seasonability and multiple variants of the same product.
If we are wrong, please let us know it…..since we hace the technological solution!
Globick only acts as a merchant when you perchase products from Globick “Catalog”. For the rest of products, which are these products you have direct-agreement with the operator, Globick is NOT the merchant.
We accept payments from VISA, Mastercard,UnionPay,WeChat Pay and Alipay, and they are made at time of placing the order.
There is also the option to pay “On Account” on a monthly basis (a deposit is required).
It’s totally free! You only pay for the products you purchase when using our web-based front-end.
If you still have some doubts or you want to contact us, just let us know. We are here to help you.